Opportunistic Private Equity Real Estate Investments

This concept enable investors to maximize their real estate investment returns by investing in a diversified basket of high-quality, build-to-hold development projects located in some of the strongest real estate markets in the United States.

I'm Interested

The performance of these types of investments is largely driven by asset-level results and micro-market forces rather than overall market trends. As a result, they are able to outperform in a wide range of investment climates.

These types of investments typically focus on:

  • Ground-up development of multi-family projects with a view to holding the stabilized projects for income over the long-term;
  • Long-duration lot development projects;
  • Income-producing self-storage projects;
  • Other build-to-hold assets and strategies (i.e. industrial).

Why invest in
Opportunistic Private Equity Real Estate Investments?

  • Investment Strategy

    The build-to-hold investment strategy of funds in this category allows the funds to target the strongest investment opportunities, with a longer-term horizon in the most favourable real estate investing geographies supported by population and job growth, such as the U.S. Sunbelt.

  • Equity Partnerships

    Partner selection is critical for safeguarding capital to ensure investment manager compatibility, successful project launches, and ultimately generating returns for investors. Numerous factors should be considered before participation in a partnership project, including location, market positioning and demand drivers, such as regional job and population growth.

  • Why the Sunbelt?

    Prior to 2020, trends indicating a mass migration to Sunbelt states were already emerging. These demographic trends have continued and intensified in a way that has caused notable shifts in the real estate landscape.

    Besides the warm climate, Sunbelt states such as Arizona and Texas offer lighter regulation, lower income tax and a surplus of jobs. For example, in 2023 alone, Texas added approximately 400,000 new jobs, mostly in Dallas and Houston. This type of disruption drives the need for additional housing units to fit the growing population, such as high quality, build-for-rent, multi-family homes.

  • The Multi-Family Story

    The demand for multi-family housing continues to grow in the U.S., especially in states across the Sunbelt, including Arizona and Texas - the fastest growing real estate, job and population growth markets in the United States.

    U.S. multi-family residential is an asset class for investors seeking superior long-term returns by investing in garden-style apartment communities in geographies from Arizona through to the Carolinas.