Ep. 10 Why Invest in Canadian Multi-Family?

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Welcome to the My Private Network Podcast!

Interested in learning about private market investing concepts and opportunities available to you?

This week's episode features our co-founder and host, Bob Simpson, who gives you, the investor, a chance to hear from industry experts about why you should consider investing in Canadian multi-family.

Today's Expert Guest

Geoff Lang
Senior Vice President
Equiton Inc.

Today's Questions of Intere

Tell us about your story and the work your firm does with investors.
4:15 Could you explain Canadian Multi-Family in terms of your buy and hold strategy?
What kind of financing do you have in place in your portfolio?
Do you have lower leverage compared to a buy and flip model?
What's your forecast on future interest rates?
Could you touch upon value add as it relates to multi-family?
Where do you get the best deal when it comes to value add's?
How does the Canadian Multi-Family model help those interested when starting in this space?
How does this investment fit into a typical investor portfolio?
How does this model work for the millennial demographic who have difficulty finding housing?
Can you explain the difference in public versus private when it comes to Canadian Multi-Family?
Are we currently in a buyer's market?
28:07 Final thoughts.

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